Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Proud to be an American


The little kids of eight, nine and ten ran through the hallways of our school here in Hong Kong screaming and yelling when they heard that John McCain conceded. These Hong Kong kids (many with Canadian passports) are overwhelmingly for Barack Obama.

They said Obama won, but I couldn't believe it. I ran into my room to check the internet and when I saw, I rushed out into the hall looking for someone to hug. A fourth grade girl from another class ran up to me and said, "Obama won, give me a hug!" I swept her up and spun her around. My son was with a group of seventh and eighth graders in the cafeteria, so I could only tell him. He nodded and smiled, but the girl next to him screamed leapt to her feet.

I can't believe it and I can't stop crying with the joy of hope for my country.

1 comment:

Sarah A said...

I wore my Obama shirt today, Wednesday, too. It's an amazing and awesome event. I spent three hours of my precious Sunday hours making phone calls on Oct. 26. It was worth every minute of it. I'm so glad that I was able to have a little part in the victory.